Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment India

We welcome you to our center dedicated to providing an all encompassing and comprehensive care for individuals suffering from knee osteoarthritis. We are aware of the debilitating effects that knee osteoarthritis can have on your daily life, and our team is committed to offering a range of services tailored to your unique needs.

Our cross-disciplinary approach intertwines diagnostic evaluations, personalized treatment plans, education and holistic wellness services to address the different needs of different individuals 

Our Approach

A service for knee osteoarthritis typically begins with a comprehensive assessment to understand the patient’s condition, history and specific needs. Here’s an overview 

  • Initial consultation : A discussion of the patient’s symptoms, medical history and any previous treatments is conducted. Purpose is to develop a rapport
  • Diagnostic evaluation : Following the consultation, the patient may undergo a diagnostic evaluation, which may include physical and neurological examination such as X-ray, MRI, CT scan etc. to identify structural abnormalities and injuries 
  • Development of treatment plan : After determining the cause, a treatment plan is established. To elaborate, we would firstly mention our primary focus of relieving pain. This can be done via medications, corticosteroid injections, hyaluronic acid injection, and non pharmacological intervention. Strengthening exercises, range of motion exercises etc are also used. We also provide joint protection techniques, eight management support, biomechanical assessment orthotic devices. Surgical interventions in extreme cases are also available 
  • Implementation of treatment : With the establishment of a treatment plan, the process of implementing it begins. This may involve attending physical therapy sessions, chiropractic adjustments, pain management interventions etc
  • Ongoing monitoring and adjustment : Throughout the course of treatment, the patient’s process is monitored closely by healthcare professionals. 
  • Education and support : Empowering the patients to undertake the right approach and lifestyle choices. Guiding them about the right diet is also an inclusion
  • Continued care and maintenance : Keeping in check by incorporating periodic check-ups, maintenance therapy sessions, and continued adherence to self-care practices to sustain improvement and prevent recurrence of symptoms.

Knee osteoarthritis Treatment benefits you get

  • Pain relief 
  • Improved joint function 
  • Enhanced mobility 
  • Delaying disease progression
  • Reduced dependency in medications
  • Improved quality of life
  • Prevention of complication
  • Long-term joint health  
  • Empowerment and self-management  

Other conditions we treat : 

  • Previous knee injuries 
  • Joint misalignment 
  • Knee problems due to osteoporosis 
  • Cartilage damage 
  • Knee problems due to dysplasia 

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What is Knee osteoarthritis?

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by the breakdown of cartilage in the knee joint, leading to pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased mobility.

What are the common symptoms of neck pain?

Common symptoms of knee osteoarthritis include pain, stiffness, swelling, decreased range of motion, crepitus (grinding or crackling sensation), and difficulty with activities such as walking, climbing stairs, or getting up from a chair.

How to diagnose knee osteoarthritis?

Diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis is typically based on a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), or CT (computed tomography) scans to assess the severity of joint damage and rule out other possible causes of knee pain.

What are treatments for knee osteoarthritis?

Treatment for knee osteoarthritis may include a combination of non-pharmacological interventions such as exercise therapy, weight management, physical therapy, joint protection techniques, assistive devices, and lifestyle modifications, as well as pharmacological treatments such as pain medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroid injections. In severe cases, surgical interventions such as arthroscopic surgery, partial knee replacement, or total knee replacement may be considered.
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